Community reviews for BrainPOP

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Fun way to be introduced to a new topic

Overall, BrainPop is not a bad resource to use if it is not the only resource being used to teach. Since the content is limited and not as detailed as other resources or textbooks, it is a good resource to use as either an introduction or a review. While it is not detailed, BrainPop is engaging for students.
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bad, I tried to use the sneak peek option , but on state it won't work, try it for yourself. Other than that, its okay.
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Engaging and educational

Having two iconic animated characters really helps children stay engaged with what they are being taught. Kids love Tim and Moby and what scenarios/adventures they’ll be brought into - considering that they go over a vast number of topics. The ability to test children with their quizzes after an animation is played enhances their motive to pay attention too.
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How BrainPOP Is Useful

My take on BrainPOP is that it's an amazing platform. There are so many videos that a teacher or student can pick from to help them understand a topic better. This platform is very good for young users as it offers a detailed but understandable video performance. As there are many videos and topics to choose from, there are also quizzes that are offered regarding the videos to test the students knowledge.
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Makes Learning Fun

I enjoy using BrainPop because I am able to learn very complex things in a simplified and fun way.
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Great for educational entertainment, but not a true educational application

Brain Pop is easy to use, entertaining videos, and somewhat educational. Possibly it would be effective with younger students but it also just a fun source for keeping the kids entertained. But, it does often include perspectives and is built in a way that is not as effective as some of our textbooks.
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I remember using this so often when I was a younger student. BrainPOP consistently has information and videos revolving around a myriad of topics that young kids can easily benefit from. Some parts of the site feel very dated, but I do very much like the sheer amount of available content on the site. There are so many options for all sorts of young learners. Each topics has different quizzes, related vocabulary, and related readings. The characters are relatable and cute for younger children too.
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Great And Engaging Tool To Use For An Educational Setting

This app is amazing! This resource is very useful in the education realm. The videos are great quality with full of knowledge and the questions are clear to the point. I liked that BrainPOP is awesome interactive learning atmosphere for students, it's useful for different learning styles since all people are different. This app is also great because it can be used in a classroom and in online remote learning, so there are many options. I also liked that this app tracks students progress, so teachers can see what the class needs to improve on. One of the major disadvantages of this program is the cost, it is expensive and the school districts would have to pay a high price to implement into the lesson plan rotation. Overall I love this app!!
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BrainPOP is a great interactive way to learn material from different subjects

I would definitely use BrainPOP as a resource for teaching, particularly for young children as I believe it would interest them more. I like how much material BrainPOP has, from Science all the way to Social Studies. The skits that are on the website are very funny, and if used correctly I believe students can benefit greatly.
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Great for Middle School and Younger

BrainPOP is a very engaging application. Utilizing animated characters to explain concepts kept me intrigued. I appreciated the application's straightforward storytelling approach to applying concepts. I do not recommend this source for individuals who are in high school and above. It does not go as in-depth as concepts taught in high school and beyond. In addition, the application now requires a subscription, thus making the resource less accessible to students and educators.
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