Showing 61 results
April 29, 2024
Best Digital Graphing Calculator
I think this is a great teaching tool its super intuitive to use and makes seeing equations and graphs very simple. The user interface is easy to follow and there is no guess work, you put in your equation and you get you graph and it simply does what it needs to and doesn't make it difficult.
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April 23, 2024
Efficient Graphing Calculator
I love Desmos as a teaching tool! There is a graphing calculator, scientific calculator, geometry tool, and more. Teachers can also use Desmos as an interactive tool, going through problems step by step. This increases engagement within a classroom and also maximizing resources to its fullest potential.
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December 13, 2023
Good for students who know what they are doing
Desmos is a great resource if you know what you are trying to achieve or you are just solving equations. You can plug in the numbers to the equation you are trying to solve and get a straight output. If you are plotting points on a graph, trying to plot a graph, or trying to solve a question based on the graph you plotted you need to know how to use Desmos. There are no guides or pop-ups that alert you if you have made a mistake with the graph. It only notifies you if you enter a character that is no defined.
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December 13, 2023
How Desmos Is Useful
I think that Desmos is a great platform for teacher and student use. Desmos can be used in multiple ways, and that's what the best part about it is. Desmos offers a great visual understanding of what graphs look like and also show what points on the graph look like as well. Additionally, Desmos can even graph multiple graphs at the same time, guiding students when it comes to comparing certain things.
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December 13, 2023
Awesome Interactive Software!
Works great to see how equations graph in real time. Would work well with an activity where students make art within this resource in order to get familiar with how different equations (different polynomials, negatives, etc) appear on graph.
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December 13, 2023
Great resource for any level of math
Desmos is a great resource no matter what level of mathematics you are in. This applies to equations from middle school math to college level math that helps you see exactly the properties of equations,
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December 13, 2023
Very Useful Tool for Students Who Cannot Afford Graphing Calculators
When I was in high school, I used Desmos, hence why I’m doing this review. I found Desmos to be extremely useful when taking calculus courses. Usually, our teacher would let us use one of the school’s graphing calculators during class, but we were not allowed to take them home to do homework assignments. Graphing calculators can be very expensive, and I could not afford one, so Desmos was a great, free tool to use. It’s easy to use and has many different features that can do pretty much anything that a physical graphing calculator could do.
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December 12, 2023
Highly customizable, visual and useful tool.
Desmos is a very good resource not just for the students but for teaching as well. Desmos makes it easy to graph various things while on the internet without having to use a physical graphing calculator. This could be used in a classroom setting as it is much easier to share a screen / present the screen you are using Desmos with, rather than trying to show students a graph from a small calculator. Furthermore, the online tools of Desmos are very easy to use, easy to customize and you can toggle on and off various graphs as needed. This only adds to the ease of use of this platform. The keyboard tool on the bottom left of the graphing calculator is also incredibly useful since students might not remember all the functions they need to use when graphing, and this pop-up tool can help students input the graphs they need without manually typing each part of the equation.
I think the one part of Desmos that I didn't like is the functions button. While this button is super useful since it expands into a large array of functions the students can use, it is sort of a hassle to scroll through all of the functions. Ultimately, I think the keyboard pop-up could be made bigger, to make more room for the functions to be placed out in the open, rather than sticking all of these functions into a separate interface the users have to scroll through.
For reference, these two buttons I am referring to are the keyboard icon in the bottom left which opens an interface with various buttons to use to form an equation. Within this interface is another button called "Functions" which opens another interface that has over 20 other buttons which aid in making graphing equations as well, however, these buttons are more condensed, smaller, and the user has to scroll up and down to get to their desired function.
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December 11, 2023
Imagining Math Equations
Overall, when I use Desmos, I use it for understanding equations that I am unable to picture in my head. This website allows me to picture multiple equations at the same time on the same graph, allowing me to understand and picture what the numbers mean from my paper. This feature allows me to explore and understand the relationships between different equations effectively.
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December 6, 2023
Very good visual tool to help learn math or solve problems
Desmos was very helpful for me especially in higher level math classes like Calc 2 and Multivariable Calc. It make it easy to visualize mathematical concepts, equations, etc. that you might have trouble with. It also works pretty well as a free alternative to a graphing calculator.
My only issue is that it can occasionally be a bit tricky to use, especially when you're trying it for the first time.
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