Community reviews for Weebly

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Undergrad and More

I began using this tool as an undergrad, using it to present some of my larger projects that were multi- dimensional which included videos, maps , pictures, documents and links all bundled onto one easy to use website. Now as a teacher I not only use it as a Profolio, but use it to organized my online lessons for my high school students. It helps with keeping the day to day stuff organized, being able to organized it by date within the website and easy enough to create a new one weekly to minimize the size of each website reducing the amount of information per website helps reduce the students from feeling overwhelmed especially since the beginning of this crisis .
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Combine Content and Technology

This is a great resource to use at many different points in the learning process from pre-learning to summative assessment. Weebly allows students to be creative and apply their learning in a user friendly set-up. Weebly also allows students to delve into the website creation arena without being overwhelmed with many complicated aspects.
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Not user friendly for whole class - unless each kid has his/her own device and internet @ home...

My take is that it would work fine if you did this individually, but it is difficult to do as a whole class unless you have students with their own devices and internet access. I would opt for something else - Live Binder or Dropbox maybe.
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Weebly: A Great Digital Portfolio

I have seen reluctant readers and advanced students create and manage Weebly sites with ease. They are extremely interested in taking ownership of teaching others about their research and opinions. It has allowed them to work independently and has truly taught them the value of digital citizenship.
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Awesome way to have students create websites in a snap!

I feel that this tool is great for the classroom, especially starting with upper elementary students. While the tool doesn't actually teach the students any content, they can use the tool to explain their understanding or learning to a whole new level. Having students build digital portfolios or turn that old Power Point project into an interactive website will really make the learning come alive. I am a big fan of having students teach other students, this is a tool that provides that experience for that. It's as easy as hitting the "Publish" button and they are web designers on the content they provide! One piece that I wish we could take away is the part of the tool that looks at monetizing off of the site. When students are in a site, they shouldn't need to worry about making money on anything.
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Empowers students while demonstrating understanding

It is great that it limits it to five pages. It lacks the collaboration piece and sometimes had issues when doing it on an iPad as far as it sometimes not saving changes that were made.
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Weebly is user-friendly tool to create classroom website

Although it took awhile to set up, I found Weebly to be a very user-friendly website that provides fun designs and every resource you could need to build a classroom website. I highly recommend it to anyone who is considering creating a classroom website for the first time!
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A very easy, intuitive classroom website building tool.

My favorite thing about weebly is how easy it is to create a website. Most of the site building relies on drag and drop elements, and I am not terribly tech savvy, so this is a great feature for me. I found it very easy to build my site. Through talking with other teachers and reading other reviews, I have gotten ideas on how to implement weebly next year. I would like for my students to each have an online portfolio next year that they keep constantly updated, and I think this would be a great way to do that.
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Weebly provides students the opporutnity to create and publish their own website with ease. They can easily search, drag and drop media into their site. Students take great pride in publishing culminating projects on the Worldwide Web.

The product was a great teaching tool for my students. They enjoyed publishing something that was their own creative project on the internet. It does require direct teacher instruction at the onset of the project if students have had little or no experience in creating a website. A student tutorial would be beneficial that students could view independently.
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Free, Easy, NO advertising

Overall, this website was vey easy to set up and create. I felt elementary age children could navigate it with ease. It is free to educators and the weebly advertising is very minimal (you barely notice it!). I do recommend this product.
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