Community reviews for Google Drive

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Google Drive includes everything someone would need to work in a classroom or professional setting and is easily available to anyone!

It is a fantastic tool that every classroom, teacher, or professional worker should incorporate into their learning/work experience. The tool is entirely free for anyone to use, and it garners a simpler and more efficient way for education and learning.
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Great way to encourage collaboration in the classroom

I think this a great tool to use because it is so easy to access anywhere all you need is internet. This is also great for those students who need help with organization because everything is saved online. Overall, this is the best tool I have used and seen for collaboration. Nothing is easier than collaborating using the drive.
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Gets students collaborating with teachers and each other!

I really enjoy this product personally, both when working on projects with other educators or setting up lessons. It is versatile and flexible, and I think the biggest weakness is that it seems very intuitive and as a result people rarely look beyond surface level features of collaborative typing.
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Great App!

I like this app and highly recommend it. It is a great organizational tool for students
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Main Topic and Key Detail

Review: Great for quick assessment, a bit challenging the first time because you have to model how to do this with the class. The easiest way is to model with an ipad on the ELMO or have it projected on the smartboard.
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Great for groups!

Great tool! Makes group work a whole lot easier. Especially if students don't live close to each other. Allows for a good amount of creativity and collaboration. Also makes it easier to share with the teacher and helps reduce paper usage.
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Teacher and students stay organized with everything in one place

Overall I recommend this product. It is free and I hope that it stays that way - but I would pay for it.
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Students are consistently on their phones, this teaching tool is excellent to help them be accountable for their work while also engaging them in the use of technology. I like that it is a great way to store information.
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The All In One Tool-Google Drive Does It ALL!

Our students live in the Google Drive world. Everything they create is stored, shared, and collaborated on from Drive. It plays perfectly with applications like Google Classroom and other LMS type tools. It is free to use and 100% web based so it is accessible anywhere students have web access. The only downside is the lack of internet in some homes as web access is required.
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Portable, shareable digital files! Yay!

It's a great, free cloud-based, file syncing service and can be used on any device.
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