Community reviews for Quizalize

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Quizalize review

Overall, it is a powerful alternative to Kahoot, but much of its reporting and analysis features are locked behind a paid account. According to reviewers, grade level selection doesn't ensure age-appropriate questions.
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Engaging and Helps Teachers Save Time

Quizalize takes the quiz format of online websites like Kahoot and Quizizz and creates a fun, unique learning experience for students. I love how there are multiple games to choose from so students do not feel restricted by the same layout over and over again. I also enjoy the fuctionality Quizalize has with Google Forms and Quizlet, as importing text over from those sites to create a game is easy and quick. It is also nice to see that there are options for solo or team games, which allow for at home or in class play. However, I can also see students becoming distracted by this tool by being more adament with winning rather than learning.
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Use Quizalize with Quizlet for Personalized/Differentiated Formative Assessments

It's a great formative assessment tool, especially when used with Quizlet study sets.
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Another Great Alternative for Formative Assessments and Getting Information on Adjusting Instruction

Overall, I'd encourage teachers to mix up the tools they use to help students review lower-level information and this should certainly be in your "toolbelt!" I like the interface, the reporting options, and the ability to assign as homework. I did experience a little confusion as the URL for the product changed from to when I was looking for results. I still don't have a complete understanding of the relationship of the two URLs, but I believe the data analytics are being accessed from a different web-based tool and that's what is behind it? It could be better for teachers if that wasn't the case since it was a bit confusing. The only other negative I came away with when using this tool was that here is another web-based tool that is pretty engaging, but tends to encourage teachers to focus on lower-level depths of knowledge. If your students enjoy this type of tool/activity, I would just challenge you to be sure you're finding ways to make your questions challenging or only use this type of activity occasionally and still push your students to a deeper learning in other ways!
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1 person found this helpful.