Community reviews for StoryJumper

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Teachers are loving it!

Storyjumper is incredibly easy for teachers to implement, especially since it syncs with Google Classroom, which we are already using in our district. The students can easily navigate with the tools, and teachers like being able to see students working in real time. It has been a hit with the teachers on my campus from Kindergarten all the way to 5th grade.
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A great way for young creative minds to bring their ideas to life!

Overall, I think that this is a really great source of student creativity. While the pricing could be problematic (as it costs approximately 8 dollars just to download your creation) and further disparities in education, I believe that just sharing the link to student stories would be sufficient for self expression. Not only can students choose from auto-generated characters and scenes, but they can mix and match different features and looks to create the object of their imagination. I do think that there could be a few more options for hair and other features to be more inclusive—all students deserve to be represented in literature, including the stories that they create themselves. The collaboration feature is really helpful, as it promotes students' to work together on a single concept. This encourages avid discussion and enriches learning.
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Story Jumper is super interactive and fun for students

I really liked this website. It was fun to play around with all of the different creative options the website had to offer. There were even templates for stories to make it easier to use. For a classroom assignment, it would be great to use in a writing section of class when writing personal narratives, narratives or even how to books. Students are able to be creative with it and also practice their writing skills and even publish the book if they choose to.
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Great interactive story-teller for younger kids

This is a good teaching tool to use for kindergarten-second grade kids. I like the variety of themes for the children to choose from, but it may benefit from being a bit more accessible for children with disabilities.
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Easy to use picture book creation tool

StoryJumper has a good repository of background scenes and props. Props can be re-sized, rotated, and copied - but not edited in any other way. StoryJumper allows for users to add personal photos as props and scenes, with limited editing capabilities. There are several options for text boxes. It was easy to create student accounts to use in class, however if you want students to use the program at home it requires a permission slip and parents creating an account themselves.
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What a wonderful way to bring stories to life!

It was a great tool for children to enhance their writing but it didn't really teach the children any new skills in writing or technology.
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Create a story about anything using engaging graphics and kids won't even realize they are writing!

I found storyjumper when I was preparing to use another online book creator. I was able to create a closed classroom and assign students to logins. Storyjumper allows you to print our an individualized login for each student. The graphics and colorful settings allow students to easily create a story. The storyboard in storyjumper helps student build their story.
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Story Jumper is a fun and engaging way to get those creative juices flowing!

Story Jumper offers a fun and engaging means of making writing come to life. It offers all kinds of pictures (props) for developing ideas and creating characters. It offers a quick tour or video to help first timers learn how to use the product, navigate the various features, and create their own stories. I have found that it is helpful to go through the quick tour together with my students so that they all learn how to use the program--I teach 6 and 7 year olds, so teachers of older children may not find this to be necessary for them. Writing can be a daunting task for many kids and they often respond to a writing assignment with, "I don't know what to write." I have found that having pictures available can help my students to come up with ideas and create some fun and exciting stories. This product provides easy access to props, which stimulates students' writing ideas, and then empowers them to write, edit, and illustrate their story in a fun and engaging way. It also provides me with some wonderful teaching opportunities and ideas for mini-lessons. I can't wait to get started with writing this year!
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