Community reviews for Artsonia Kids Art Museum

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Great virtual space for 21st century art students to share work with teachers and parents!

As a teaching tool, I would use this resource to post video demonstrations and/or examples along with all major lessons/projects so that all students always have access to my lessons and always have support, even when I am not available. This is great for absent students and virtual learning situations.
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Artsonia allows my students to be published artists! A wonderful on-line gallery used by families and teachers. I can see records and track student growth by using!

It is a lot of work to upload artwork from all of my students year-long. It is worth it because I get so many compliments from families saying how much they love I also get 20% of purchases made, it is a win-win!
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Best. Ever. for Art. Period.

I started using Artsonia 6 years ago. The concept was very intimidating at first (I put it off for 3 years), but having all of our students' artwork readily at our fingerprints sold me, hands down. Artsonia has an amazing staff and awesome support videos that walk you through getting it set up. Literally you email them 1 excel spreadsheet (that your secretary can do in 3 mins.) and you have all of your students in. I started with my own phone, and in a few months, I had earned money earned from Artsonia to buy an iPad. Once my principal saw the engagement, response from parents, and how I use it as a teaching tool, she purchased 6 mini iPads and a docking station for me. My 2nd - 5th Graders do all the work on uploading their own. K & 1 are uploaded by a special team of 5th Graders I choose.
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Perfect way to showcase your students artwork!

Artsonia is a wonderful way for students to showcase their art creations. Family and friends can also provide positive feedback on their artwork. The students take pride in the art they create and publish on Artsonia.
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Exactly what EVERY Art Teacher needs!!!

This website is amazing! Everyone involved has loved using Artsonia. I don't have my own children anywhere on social media and feel completely safe using Artsonia. Once they upload your class rosters to their website it is easy to navigate and use. Teachers, parents, and students can upload artwork to their gallery and it can follow them through out their school experience.
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Fantastic accumulating student portfolio and family involvement, no matter where they live!

I have used Artsonia for over a decade now and I can’t imagine my art room with out it! I always tell my students that art is made to be seen. What better way than to give them a platform that is easily shared or kept private depending on what the family chooses.
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A few times a year, I'll project the students work. The best part is when they look back at the work they did the year before or even several yeas before! This helps build confidence by showing positive progress. If I had access to computers, I would have student use some of the 'reflection' tools and incorporate the use of aesthetics type vocabulary. There is a lot teachers can do with this, involving parents too.
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A must-have for any Art Teacher!

I truly enjoy being able to share my love for art with children. Artsonia is a wonderful addition to my classroom because it allows my learners to share their creations with their families whether they live locally or on the other side of the world. The iPads at Lakeside make uploading art to Artsonia a breeze and they put 21st century soft skills right into the kids hands, even in the art room!
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The Best Portfolio & Parent Communication Tool for Art Teachers

I highly recommend that other art teachers use Artsonia to document their student's progress and growth. I love how I can pull my senior's work up on the smartboard and show them how they have grown since freshman year! My parents have commented that they love receiving emails showing them what their students is working on in art class. I have had students give away or lose artwork and then need to apply to art college. No problem I told them, I can download it for you from Artsonia and either email the files to you or put them on a USB drive. Artsonia is so versatile, I couldn't operate my art room without it!
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Joining Artsonia is been the best thing I ever did!

The most important aspect for me is the ability to share completed work prior to it being crushed in a backpack. It also enables me to view students completed work as a portfolio for assessment purposes. My focus is on growth and I can view completed portfolios for all the years a student has been with me making that visual very simple to attain.
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