A mechanical brain is centered against a pink background with stylized electric wire extruding around the brain.

AI Literacy Lesson Plans

Quick activities to help students think critically about the impacts of AI

Teachable Machine

Creative intro to machine learning and AI doesn't require code

Learning rating

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Topics

Computer Science, Digital Citizenship, News & Media Literacy, Science

Price: Free
Platforms: Web

Pros: Links machine learning to play and creativity. Illustrates the basics of AI.

Cons: Terminology can be tough. Lacks lesson content.

Bottom Line: For students with some creativity and tech skills, this can offer a new spin on more traditional computer science tools.

How Can I Teach with This Tool?

With Teachable Machine, a project by Google, students use the camera or microphone on their device to train a machine through artificial intelligence (AI) to see or hear something and predict what it is. Advanced students can then export this model as code and use it for creative projects. Use the site to introduce machine learning to students, and have students start with the tutorial. Students can work in groups to determine what input (from the camera) should produce which outputs. Take the time to discuss what students learned after experimenting, and make connections to other machines like Amazon Alexa. Then, use the numerous extension materials such as interactive guides, examples of student experiments, and video explainers to motivate advanced learners or inspire a class that's just beginning to learn about artificial intelligence. Learning doesn't have to be limited to coding or computer science classes, however. Art or music classrooms could use Teachable Machine to create more expressive projects. Check out Dancing with AI curriculum for something along these lines.

To see how this tool works, watch our video overview of Teachable Machine.

Note that while Google claims to keep all training locally on your device, make sure you're following the privacy rules of your school. Also, check out other sites like Machine Learning for Kids

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

It'll likely connect with students that have some interest in computer science and curiosity about AI. It could capture creative students' interest as well. Could be more eye-catching and scaffolded. 


Just experimenting with the site will help teachers and students better understand machine learning's potential. It lacks a suite of lessons, but it does encourage play.


There's a FAQ that covers some basics, and simple tutorials linked from the homepage. It could better explain the concept and application of machine learning alongside the creative tools.

Common Sense reviewer
Emeline  G.
Emeline G. Teacher

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