Free Learning Resources to Celebrate Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage

April 8, 2024

Explore the history and achievements of Asian Americans with activities, videos, and more for AANHPI month (and beyond).

Teachers' Essential Guide to Viral Online Challenges

April 17, 2024

Everything you need to know about TikTok and YouTube challenges that start online and leak into the classroom.

3 Reasons Why Your ELLs Need Arts Integration

December 12, 2023

Arts integration can help lower kids' affective filters and boost their confidence.

Winter Holiday Resources to Promote Connection and Inclusion

November 6, 2023

Go beyond the basic with opportunities for SEL and deeper understanding.

Free Learning Resources for Native American Heritage Month

October 12, 2023

Deepen your discussions around indigenous peoples of America with these resources.

Creating a Cellphone Policy That Works for Everyone

September 29, 2023

Use this classroom activity to co-create norms and expectations with your students.

Teachers' Essential Guide to Social and Emotional Learning in Digital Life

September 21, 2023

Help your students develop the SEL skills they'll need to navigate the digital world.