Share My Lesson

A huge database of ready-to-go lesson plans but needs more curation

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Topics

Arts, Assessment, Classroom Management, Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech, Digital Citizenship, English Language Arts, English-Language Learning, Health & Wellness, Math, News & Media Literacy, Professional Development, Relationships & Communication, Science, Social & Emotional Learning, Social Studies, Tech & Learning, World Languages

Price: Free
Platforms: Web

Pros: A great place to consult when planning a new unit, especially when seeking supplemental activities and materials.

Cons: Despite the multiple search filters, locating what you need and determining whether it's high-quality will not be quick.

Bottom Line: Not a quick fix but a solid resource for pre-K through adult ed planning, supplemental resources, and professional development.

How Can I Teach with This Tool?

Share My Lesson offers over 420,000 teaching resources, ranging from lesson plans to handouts to articles and webinars, covering all core academic subjects for pre-K through adult education and classroom concerns like student management, social-emotional learning, and trauma-informed instruction. The site also offers a ton of on-demand professional development resources.

Share My Lesson is community-based and allows you to join subject-based communities to create and share resources with other educators. You can even create your own community group to develop or source handy activities, presentations, worksheets, and more.

The site's dashboard has three key sections that merit checking on a regular basis: Recommended, Latest News, and What to Address This Month. You can also opt to receive notifications instead. Otherwise, plan to set aside a lot of time to explore the site and build familiarity and stock up on ready-to-use lessons (once you've vetted them a bit more) to have on hand for sub plans or when you're in a pinch. 

For new teachers and those early in their career, there's a wealth of classroom management articles and related webinars as well as resources on how to start the year. In fact, it's the variety of webinar collections with urgent, timely topics like developing restorative practices, anti-bias education, and building inclusive communities that are the real treasure in this extensive site.

To see how this tool works, watch our video overview of Share My Lesson.

Full Disclosure: Share My Lesson and Common Sense Education have a partnership; however, that relationship does not impact Common Sense Education's editorial independence and this learning rating.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

With over 300,000 lessons, articles, assessments, and webinars, there's something for every student's need and interest.


There's quality to be found among the dense pre-K through adult ed collection, including units pulled from current events, hands-on and project-based learning resources, and more.


Locating curriculum that supports differentiation will take a lot of time, but you can find ready-to-use units by using filters.

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