Este vídeo introduce a Pies, uno de los seis ciudadanos digitales. La misión de Pies es ayudar a los niños más pequeños a ser conscientes de los rastros digitales o información que compartimos al usar plataformas digitales. Visit…
In this short, introductory digital citizenship lesson, students will meet Feet, one of the six Digital Citizen characters! Feet explores the meaning of digital footprints and why it's important to watch where we "step," being ca…
This foundational course introduces you to teaching digital citizenship. It provides the routines to use when addressing digital issues, and how to incorporate healthy digital habits into your everyday life.Go to training
Learn why students' online privacy is important and best practices for managing the risk to your students when using technology. In this one-hour interactive training, you'll explore specific tools and methods for assessing the privacy and security of products…
Prepare your students for success as digital learners, leaders, and citizens, and create a road map for teaching digital citizenship in your classroom. Learn the six core concepts of digital citizenship and explore how you can integrate Common Sense's curricular…
Los estudiantes aprenderán que toda la información que publican en línea deja una huella digital. Estas “huellas” pueden ser grandes o pequeñas, y pueden ser beneficiosas o perjudicantes, dependiendo de cómo las manejen.