Partnering with families is essential for student success—and their digital-well-being.
We know. Kids are constantly using devices in and out of school for learning and connection—meanwhile, the adults in their lives are trying to keep p…
Professional Learning
Join a live event or browse on-demand training.Invest in creating a positive culture of digital teaching and learning in your community. Find the pro…
Introduce AI tools into your classrooms thoughtfully.
Expert Review
Create, collaborate and share with versatile design tool
Android, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Chrome
Tools and resources to unpack media messages.
Detailed and encouraging progress tracking makes typing practice fun
Free, Paid
Robust gen AI-powered research tool aggregates info, provides sources
Thinking and presentation tools that make sharing and collaborating easy.
Here's what educators can do as artificial intelligence evolves.
Posted on March 6, 2024 by Christine Elgersma
Effective district-wide communication platform for school and home
Android, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Web
This foundational course introduces you to teaching digital citizenship. It provides the routines to use when addressing digital issues, and how to incorporate healthy digital habits into your everyday life.Go to training
Monday, Feb. 12, 2024 11 am – 12 pm PST
Help Your Family Use TV, Phones, and Tablets in Healthy Ways
Managing TV Shows, Videos, and Apps with Young Kids
Usa estas herramientas para ayudar a las familias a fomentar el desarrollo de los niños pequeños en la era digital.
Facilita conversaciones importantes con padres y cuidadores a través de estos seis talleres, disponibles en inglés y español. Comparte estrategias pa…