Dig through and uncover in-depth info on U.S. history.
Elementary school-age tech for learning key fractions concepts.
A few great student- and teacher-friendly tools for creating infographics.
Help students to plan, organize, and be attentive.
Track student projects and showcase their work with these digital portfolio tools fit for school use.
Our top-rated and most useful, content-filled apps perfect for 1-to-1 elementary classrooms.
Most educators probably don’t spend their days thinking about cybersecurity—between classroom management, learning objectives, and so much more, it usually doesn’t rise to the top of priorities. But as technology evolves and continues to…
Monday, Jun. 5, 2023 12 pm – 1 pm PDT
Help students get ready to use tech for learning in the classroom.
How can we be active listeners when using devices?
20 mins.
How can I deal with device distractions and keep my focus?
What are our classroom norms for devices?
25 mins.
What are ways to take care of my device?
What is cyberbullying? How common is it? And what can teachers do about it? Get advice and resources to support your students.
Posted on May 23, 2023 by Erin Wilkey Oh
Help students reflect on the social and emotional aspects of the movie and consider the meaning of community.
Posted on May 18, 2023 by Bianca DeJesus
Six lessons that introduce students to digital citizenship topics!