Ten years ago, Common Sense established the first-ever Digital Citizenship Week. But the digital world looks a lot different today than it did in 2012. Digital citizenship has grown and evolved over the years, and at Common Sense, we've been leading the charge…
Today's classroom requires teachers and students to use digital tools for learning. How can we ensure that students know not just how to use digital tools for learning, but also to navigate the digital world safely, responsibly, and ethically…
Limiting the effects of cyberbullying requires a carefully planned framework with ongoing learning. It is a journey that shapes your school culture. What steps can we take today?
Leave with immediate action items to nurture a strong and…
Help your students build empathy by learning how the words they use online are indeed powerful, and show them strategies they can use when they encounter cyberbullying.
Los estudiantes desarrollan su empatía al reflexionar sobre cómo las palabras que usan en línea pueden impactar los sentimientos de los demás. También aprenden una estrategia que pueden utilizar cuando se encuentren en alguna sit…
Students hear from Cameron Kasky, Parkland school shooting survivor and March for Our Lives activist, on what he learned about civil discourse online and how to foster common ground with others, even in disagreement.
Students hear what other teens have to say about meeting and talking to known and unknown people online, think about the types of information they're sharing about themselves, and consider strategies to keep their online friendsh…
Algo que es lamentablemente cierto sobre el Internet: algunos espacios en línea pueden estar llenos de acciones negativas, groseras o malintencionadas, pero ¿califican este tipo de acciones como ciberbullying? Ayuda a tus alumnos…