Feeling overwhelmed by the constant ping of notifications? Us too! But what about our students? Between social media pressures and the 24/7 news cycle, technology can be stressful. Join school leaders and educators to learn more about how to integrate digital…
In this short, introductory digital citizenship lesson, students meet Legs, one of the six Digital Citizen characters! Legs shares why it's important to stand up for the people we care about, explaining how we can do that online …
Este vídeo introduce a Piernas, uno de los seis ciudadanos digitales. La misión de Piernas es enseñarle a los niños más pequeños la importancia de la empatía al igual que ayudar a cualquier persona que esté sufriendo de ciberbull…
Este vídeo introduce a Brazos, uno de los seis ciudadanos digitales. La misión de brazos es enseñarle a los niños más pequeños la importancia de balancear el uso de los dispositivos y los medios digitales. Visita la pagina web de…
In this short, introductory digital citizenship lesson, students will meet Arms, one of the six Digital Citizen characters! Arms explores the meaning of media balance and why it's important to balance our time online so that we h…
Ever find yourself losing track of time while you’re on your phone? Well, that’s not by accident. Our favorite apps are intentionally designed to keep us on them as long as possible so tech companies can gather data from us about…
Ever find yourself in a negative thinking spiral? Of course you have! It’s human nature. Cognitive distortions aka thinking traps – are basically exaggerated or irrational negative thought patterns that can lead us to believe thi…
This foundational course introduces you to teaching digital citizenship. It provides the routines to use when addressing digital issues, and how to incorporate healthy digital habits into your everyday life.Go to training