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Review by James Denby , Common Sense Education | Updated July 2020
Community rating
Based on 17 reviews
Privacy rating
Expert evaluation
by Common Sense
Subjects & Topics
Assessment, English Language Arts, Tech & Learning
Take a look inside 6 images
March 24, 2023
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Love it!
I really like the format. Some of our state testing is on the computer and the screen is split; half the story and half the questions. ReadyTheory is set up that way as well and is great practice for our students.
Privacy Rating
Data Safety How safe is this product?
- Users can interact with trusted users.
- Users cannot interact with untrusted users, including strangers and/or adults.
- Profile information must be shared for social interactions.
Data Rights What rights do I have to the data?
- Unclear whether users can create or upload content.
- Users do not retain ownership of their data.
- Unclear whether this product provides processes to access and review user data.
Ads & Tracking Are there advertisements or tracking?
- Personal information is not shared for third-party marketing.
- Traditional or contextual advertisements are displayed.
- Personalised advertising is not displayed.
Continue reading about this tool's privacy practices, including data collection, sharing, and security.
Learn more about our privacy ratings
Meets our minimum requirements for privacy and security practices.
Does not meet our recommendations for privacy and security practices.
Does not have a privacy policy and/or does not use encryption and should not be used.
Every privacy rating includes a score. A higher score (up to 100%) means the product provides more transparent privacy policies with better practices to protect user data.
Privacy ratings are created by Common Sense expert evaluators and are independent from our "Common Sense says" age-based reviews.
Read more about privacy ratings