Free Classroom Posters
Display these colorful and informative posters to support digital citizenship in your classroom and school. Download below to print, share with students, or add posters to your class website. You can also:
Posters for Primary Grades
Inspire elementary school students (age 5 to 11) with powerful messages and colorful characters to build a classroom culture around digital citizenship.
All Digital Citizens

Are We Using Devices Now?
Caring for Your Device
Deceptive Detective

Help students build media literacy skills by learning key questions they should ask about the news and media messages they see.
Digital Citizens Coloring Book
Digital Citizens: Characters Series

Meet the Digital Citizens! Arms, Legs, Head, Heart, Guts, and Feet: Each character represents one of our six digital citizenship topics. Each poster in this series features a Digital Citizen character (six posters total).
Media Balance Is Important

Sing along with the Digital Citizens in our Media Balance Is Important song about how to balance media and device use with other important parts of life! This poster appears in the Media Balance Is Important lesson (kindergarten).
Our Digital Citizenship Pledge

Set expectations in your classroom with a pledge. Students can collaborate on ways to be great digital citizens. This poster appears in the Our Digital Citizenship Pledge lesson (grade 3).
Pause & Think Online

Sing along with the Digital Citizens in our most popular song, Pause & Think Online, about how to slow down and think about how our behavior online affects ourselves and others. This poster appears in the Pause & Think Online lesson (grade 1).
We, the Digital Citizens

Sing along with the Digital Citizens in We, the Digital Citizens about all the different ways we can participate responsibly and respectfully online. This poster appears in the We, the Digital Citizens lesson (grade 2).
Posters for Secondary Grades
Display visuals encouraging responsible decision-making and digital well-being for your middle and high school students (age 12 to 18).
Fake or Real?

Guide students to identify some of those red flags for misinformation and disinformation in news and media content.

Challenge students to take news literacy to the next level with these rules for identifying "legit" content.
Oversharing: Think Before You Post

Inspired by our digital citizenship music video co-produced with Flocabulary, Oversharing: Think Before You Post, these 10 tips remind kids to be thoughtful about their digital footprints now and in the future.
Get the standard poster or the fillable poster.
Should I Share?
Posters for Teachers
Check out these tips and best practices about privacy and teaching with technology for teachers.
Protecting Students' Privacy on Social Media: Do's and Don'ts for Teachers

Share these do's and don'ts to help teachers protect students' privacy. This is one of our most popular posters -- great for the teacher's lounge!