plagiarism check dot org

Subscription-based writing tool aims to keep pace with AI in schools

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Topics

Digital Citizenship, Tech & Learning

Pros: Accepts multiple document formats. Tool detects common issues and the percentage of AI-generated text.

Cons: Unclear if it is accessible for screen readers. Report highlights can be tough to distinguish.

Bottom Line: Sniffs out the sneakiest of tricks while being a good writing partner. Per-student cost relatively low compared to competitors'.

How Can I Teach with This Tool?

Teachers can use to review student writing and report on plagiarism, use of AI, and writing style inconsistencies. Teachers can use the tool to create classes and assignment folders as well as comment on individual reports. is browser based and integrates with Moodle, Canvas, and Google Classroom. Instructionally, teachers can spin the tool not as a trap but as a helpful assistant that creates great writers. As math teachers use test corrections to improve mastery, ELA teachers can challenge students to reduce similarity percentages or correct flagged citations to create original texts. The tool will pick up switches in word order, sentence structure, and voice so teachers can reinforce instruction and strategies. The tool's algorithms are most accurate for English but can check texts in most languages, and teachers can modify its sensitivity and reported flags as needed.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

Extends to a broad customer base but integrates well in a K–12 environment with its support for multiple languages. Organization features such as assignment folders will save time for teachers. 


Offers unlimited scans and reporting to help students improve. Would need to be combined with other tools to boost writing skills, such as a grammar checker or peer review.


Product website provides blogs and step-by-step user guides. Features a tutorial upon first launch and an in-tool guide for correcting citation formats. 

Common Sense reviewer
Michelle P.
Michelle P. Curriculum Developer and Instructional Designer

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