
Complete multimedia SEL units in a neat and tidy package

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Topics

Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech, Digital Citizenship, English Language Arts, Equity & Inclusion, Social & Emotional Learning

Price: Free to try
Platforms: Web

Pros: Thorough lesson plans use a variety of approaches to get kids engaged in the material, and the game is a wonderful complement.

Cons: The site's resource purchases can add up quickly.

Bottom Line: Detailed social and emotional learning lessons provide teachers with almost everything they'll need to spark positive character development and reflection in their students.

ELA or social studies teachers might be most likely to find that Peekapak ties in easily with their curricula. Use the stories, interactive game activities, and lessons to teach kids concepts like self-regulation, gratitude, and empathy. As you work through the lessons, you'll help kids build awareness of community and of the importance of developing the SEL skills necessary to become kind, responsible, respectful people. 

Though you can choose to teach lessons in isolation, they really work better as a full package. That means teachers should plan to incorporate two or three 10- to 25-minute lessons per week across a longer period of time. If there's not enough time to do the full curriculum, teachers should be thoughtful in their choices of which lessons to skip so that they don't lose the advantages of exploring topics from multiple angles. Take advantage of the printable resources and really make the characters come alive for kids to get them fully engaged with the storylines and learning concepts. Because of the wealth of resources, it may take some work to get families to put in the time required to complete all of the home activities; teachers may want to pick just a few to send home for skill reinforcement so as not to overwhelm parents.

Peekapak is a website that offers complete teaching units for a variety of social and emotional learning (SEL) topics as well as the MyPeekaville interactive game. Kids explore the different topics as they accompany a mixture of human and animal characters throughout the school year in Peekaville. Lessons are research-backed and based on a culturally responsive approach. Topic units -- such as empathy, perseverance, teamwork, and self-regulation -- consist of storybooks, student-facing presentations, video lessons, 12 activities to do in the classroom, and additional activities to send home for kids to do with their parents. For the school-to-home connection feature to work, teachers need to create a student list and provide a parent email address to obtain verifiable consent. Lessons for older students explore topics like stress management, identity, and decision-making skills and, while not as numerous as the elementary lessons, they are high-quality and age-appropriate.

Teachers get an easy-to-follow overview, classroom resources such as character cards and posters, and step-by-step instructions for each standards-based lesson. Every lesson also has quick tips for adjusting the lesson to make it more or less difficult (to adapt it for ELL students), including text and audio in English or Spanish and a screen reader feature students can use or mute. When teachers create a class account, they can indicate the appropriate grade level. This choice affects the content of some of the lessons, meaning higher grade levels get more complex, age-appropriate activities.

Peekapak offers a simple yet thorough approach to providing teachers with easy-to-implement plans for covering complex SEL topics. Lessons include a nice mixture of strategies that should get kids exploring concepts such as courage and self-awareness from a variety of perspectives. There are also plenty of opportunities to learn new vocabulary and reinforce reading, writing, and listening skills at all levels, helping teachers reach kids with different learning needs. The focus on storytelling engages students through relatable characters and thoughtful prompts for reflection. Classroom resources such as printable character cards and posters help make this curriculum an integrated part of the classroom and can serve as visual reminders throughout the year.

The school-to-home connection is a great idea, but some lessons require significant time commitments from parents. Many of the materials, characters, and story plots seem a bit more appropriate for the lower elementary years, but there's enough variety in content to appeal to older kids as well. The MyPeekaville game offers younger kids a personalized learning approach as they learn to problem-solve their way through vital SEL concepts. Overall, teachers will appreciate that Peekapak has done much of the work for those looking to integrate social and emotional learning and character development into their teaching.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

The focus on storytelling, culturally responsive teaching, and interactive lessons will help cement SEL concepts without feeling forced.


Kids explore SEL topics through writing, drawing, movement, problem-solving, self-reflection, and more. Teachers can easily encourage parent involvement through optional school-to-home connection activities.


The tool is available in both English and Spanish, with options to use expressive screen readers. There's plenty of support to help teachers adapt instruction to their students' needs.

Common Sense reviewer
Marianne Rogowski
Marianne Rogowski Instructional Technology Facilitator

keeps students engaged

this resource is beneficial in keeping students engaged and interested in topics and helps them learn valuable skills.

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  • Users can create or upload content.
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  • Personal information is not shared for third-party marketing.
  • Traditional or contextual advertisements are not displayed.
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