Mind Yeti

Calming program with cute characters helps center kids

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Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Topics

Health & Wellness, Social & Emotional Learning

Price: Paid
Platforms: Web

Pros: Fun visuals and characters help kids pick relaxation scripts to fit their needs.

Cons: Most relaxation scripts are audio only, which some students may find inaccessible.

Bottom Line: If you're someone who needs mindfulness-based approaches, Mind Yeti's characters could be the right fit.

Teachers can begin by letting students watch the instructional video that introduces the Mind Yeti and the group of Hububbles, which are thoughts that can cloud the mind. After whole-group instruction, teachers can introduce students to the expectations of where to sit or stand for these sessions. After a few practice sessions, assign a weekly Mind Yeti leader to a corner of the room to practice leadership and communication skills with a small group. Use a debriefing method to ask students to check in after the session, to encourage conversations about social and emotional well-being. Feel free to use this as a settling activity after students return from recess to get ready for whole-group instruction. Finally, encourage students to try a session or two before bed to assist in calming thoughts before drifting off to sleep.

Mind Yeti is a platform that provides mindfulness instruction and meditative scripts for a variety of moods and needs. The experience begins with a tutorial that introduces the concept of the Mind Yeti. Log in to save your favorite sessions and videos. Most videos are three to five minutes in length, and usually have an audio-only component. Featured sessions appear on the home screen and change daily. Several themes (e.g., calm, focus) have three to six sessions built in, so you can check off the scripts you listen to. Users can also pick to focus on several "powers," or skills, that are essential to the foundations of meditative practice. Click the heart on the bottom of each session to save it to your favorites so that you can return to it again and again.

As of July 2021, Mind Yeti is still active but not accepting new subscribers.

Mind Yeti actively engages and guides the learner through best practices in mindfulness instruction. From short scripts that encourage accepting a moment of energy to a longer progressive muscle relaxation script (which guides learners through tension reduction), wellness is built into this experience. The characters may help students link higher learning abstract concepts -- such as competing thoughts -- into real-world, more concrete experiences to build on their own background knowledge.

Overall, Mind Yeti is good for learning how to engage in mindful moments throughout the day and with any mood. However, it may be important to consider that some students who require a visual component or who aren't comfortable closing their eyes may benefit from an additional visual aid. Students learning English may also find additional visual aids would assist their learning.

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

Students are actively engaged in the process of selecting a meditative script to fit their needs. From calming relaxation scripts to energizing active audio activities, students will find that there are many meditations to fit their mood.


Student-centered approaches are baked into the experience of this app, which focuses on providing relaxing audio to fit students' moods and needs. Mind Yeti includes techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness instruction.


Mind Yeti offers wonderful visuals as it introduces scripts and audio, but it's then somewhat limited; since most mindfulness sessions are audio only, students could benefit from more visual in-app support.

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Data Safety How safe is this product?

  • Users can interact with trusted users.
  • Personal information can be displayed publicly.
  • User-created content is not filtered for personal information before being made publicly visible.

Data Rights What rights do I have to the data?

  • Users can create or upload content.
  • Processes to access or review user data are available.
  • Processes to modify data are available for authorized users.

Ads & Tracking Are there advertisements or tracking?

  • Personal information is not shared for third-party marketing.
  • Unclear whether this product displays traditional or contextual advertisements.
  • Personalised advertising is displayed.

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