Inside Mathematics

Dynamic videos and printables support CCSS math practices

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Subjects & Topics


Price: Free
Platforms: Web

Pros: Free lesson videos and worksheets provide excellent support for math teachers.

Cons: The resources provide guidance for teaching a concept, but formal curricula with written lesson plans are not provided.

Bottom Line: An excellent, free resource for educators who need support and inspiration for teaching and addressing CCSS and mathematical practices.

Teachers, coaches, and administrators can use Inside Mathematics as a support tool to help address a variety of issues or simply for inspiration. For teachers, search for videos or worksheets by grade or strand. Depending on what kind of support is needed, teachers can view a resource prior to initiating a lesson, show students a classroom video as a follow-up to a lesson, or include a student worksheet as part of a lesson plan. For coaches and administrators, there are numerous videos and handouts to help with issues such as classroom observations, developing teacher rubrics, interventions, and much more.

Inside Mathematics provides resources for grades K through 12. On the main page, users can search for resources by grade or strand. Resources are also organized into categories: tools for educators, classroom videos, Common Core resources, problems of the month, and performance assessment tasks.

Each category includes videos and/or printable documents that support the content indicated by the category, and some categories also include iBooks. For example, in classroom videos, users will find videos of teachers conducting classroom lessons with student engagement. In Common Core resources, there are a variety of resources that help educators implement standards and practices in the classroom. Navigation is easy, and information is very well organized.

Inside Mathematics was developed as an educators' tool, and students can use many of the resources as learning tools. The problems of the month include student-facing worksheets and are divided into five levels of difficulty to allow for access across all grades and for differentiated learning. There are numerous performance assessment tasks that align with Common Core standards, beginning with Grade 2. These tasks are formative assessments that require students to use higher-order thinking to demonstrate comprehension of a concept.

Inside Mathematics is a valuable resource for students and educators who need inspiration or help with lesson plans, assessments, remediation strategies, and more. Plus, it's free and easy to use!

Learning Rating

Overall Rating

Most resources are engaging and challenging, but the lower quality of some of the videos makes it difficult to see what the teachers are doing.


The resources tightly align with Common Core standards and practices while utilizing strategies for differentiated learning and options for using formative re-engaging lessons.


There are supportive resources for a range of educators, including teachers, coaches, and administrators; information is easy to find.

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