Ella Verbs

Handy Spanish conjugation learning app supplements grammar practice

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Price: Free to try
Platforms: Android, iPad, iPhone, Mac, iPod Touch

Pros: Personalized lesson paths, customizable quizzes and flashcards, and specific to learning Spanish conjugations.

Cons: No teacher dashboard to track student progress, lacks collaboration with other users, and missing playful elements or strong incentives to continue through multiple lessons.

Bottom Line: Ella Verbs provides straightforward lessons for learning Spanish conjugations in a customizable way for self-motivated students.

Ella Verbs provides a space for personalized Spanish conjugation practice. Teachers can assign lessons and quizzes to students as homework to review classroom instruction. There’s no teacher dashboard or in-app connection with other users but students and teachers can track progress on individual dashboard. For this reason, it might be a challenge to monitor students' progress holistically. However, teachers can stay posted on each student’s progress in 1-1 meetings.

The app has a flash card feature that can be used to study conjugations in the lead up to a classroom assessment. Since the quiz and flashcard features of the app are very customizable, teachers can keep track of each student’s challenges and recommend specific grammatical rules for review.

Teachers can also encourage students to use the verb library and conjugation charts to write practice sentences in a separate notebook.

Ella Verbs is a Spanish conjugation app which works best on mobile devices. The app offers either Latin American or European Spanish and 38 test-in levels of difficulty.

The levels are organized under ‘milestones’, starting with present tense basics through to more advanced subjects like the subjunctive and imperative tenses. Each level then breaks down into several mini lessons. In each lesson, students can test themselves using a flashcard feature. At the end of each level there is a quiz to assess learnings. If the user answers incorrectly, they’re shown the conjugation steps which would lead them to the correct answer.

The progress section shows completed quizzes, average scores, and a chart of how frequently the app is used. It also stores a recap of all of the incorrect conjugation responses so that they can be revisited. The app gauges tense fluency based on an internal metric to motivate students to achieve tense fluency.

There’s a searchable verb library of over 1,500 words which includes full English translations and conjugation tables, along with rules and any irregularities. There’s also an option to hear the vocabulary words read aloud. Students can build different formats of quizzes with words from the verb library and the pronouns they’d like to study. The app allows the quiz responses to be said aloud or typed.

Ella Verbs approaches learning Spanish conjugations in a straightforward way.The app offers learning paths for students from a range of levels. Students are able to pick the specific conjugations they’d like to learn, making it a useful resource for those who are self-motivated. The app not only notes when an answer is incorrect, but goes further to share the conjugation steps to help students respond correctly in the future.

There are limitations to the app, namely not having a teacher dashboard or being able to collaborate with other users. While the app does encourage students to achieve tense fluency with a progress chart, and notes streaks, there are no badges, points or rewards to increase desire to complete each lesson.

The app is a nice standalone tool for individual learning— though limited in what is possible within the 5-day trial. Overall, the app is a convenient tool for enhancing grammatical proficiency. 


Learning Rating

Overall Rating

Students can track their progress, challenges, and their conjugation proficiency. There's no teacher dashboard or user collaboration, proving difficult for accountability.


Students are given agency with customizable quizzes and flashcards. Progress is not inhibited by incorrect answers, and they are given a step-by-step breakdown of each incorrect response.



There’s a tutorial, FAQ section about the app, and a place for developer feedback. Responses to lesson questions can be spoken or written.


Common Sense reviewer
Bianca DeJesus
Bianca DeJesus Editor, Learning Content

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