Promote SEL and digital citizenship with these CASEL-aligned quick activities.

This collection of activities will help you address the unique social and emotional challenges your students may encounter as technology starts to play an increasing role in their lives, both in and out of school. From understanding how technology makes them feel, to learning how to act with kindness and make caring and responsible decisions online, these 15-minute activities are great ways to support the social and emotional well-being of your students as they navigate the digital world.
To see our full collection of K–12 activities visit the SEL in Digital Life Resource Center.

My Feelings When Using Technology (Grades K–2)
With a fun video poem and class discussion, students learn to reflect on the different ways technology makes them feel and what they can do about it.
Our Responsibilities Online (Grades 3–5)
What does it mean to be your best self when using technology? By learning about the rings of responsibility, students understand the responsibilities they have to themselves and others so they can be their best selves when using technology.

Saying Goodbye to Technology (Grades K–2)
Whether it's watching television or playing on a tablet, using tech can be super fun! But kids often find it hard to transition from an online activity to an offline one. Teach your students a simple routine for regulating their emotions during those inevitable digital interruptions that are a part of life for everyone.
My Media Balance (Grades 3–5)
Helping kids learn what makes different media choices healthy or not is a good start. But how do we guide them to actually make responsible choices in the real world? Give your students the opportunity to reflect on their media habits and develop strategies for achieving media balance in their lives.

Traveling Safely Online (Grades K–2)
The power of the internet enables students to experience and "visit" places they might not be able to see in person. But just like traveling in the real world, it's important for students to know how to keep themselves safe when they go online. In this quick activity, students learn three rules to promote safe and responsible decisions when going online.
How Can You Be an Online Superhero? (Grades 3–5)
Online tools are empowering for kids, but they also come with big responsibilities. In this quick activity, students put themselves in the shoes of the Digital Citizen characters to learn how to solve digital dilemmas in responsible ways.

Use Your Heart When You're Online (Grades K–2)
From our head down to our toes, and our feet up to our nose, the Digital Citizens teach students to be safe, responsible, and respectful when they are online.
Gaming with Positivity (Grades 3–5)
Social interaction is part of what makes online gaming fun and engaging for kids. Of course, online communication comes with some risks. Use this activity to help your students reflect on how they can keep their gaming experiences fun, healthy, and positive.

Standing Up to Online Meanness (Grades K–2)
The internet is filled with all kinds of interesting people, but sometimes people can be mean to each other. With this activity, students learn how to respond to people who are being unkind, and support others who experience online meanness.
The Words We Choose (Grades 3-5)
As kids grow, they naturally start to communicate more online. But some of what they see could make them feel hurt, sad, angry, or even fearful. Help your students build empathy for others and learn strategies to use when confronted with cyberbullying.
Image courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.