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Crop, customize, and remix online video content with interactive tool

Learning rating

Community rating

Based on 41 reviews

Privacy rating

Expert evaluation by Common Sense



Subjects & Topics

Assessment, Digital Citizenship, Digital Literacy, News & Media Literacy, Relationships & Communication, Tech & Learning

Price: Free, Paid
Platforms: Web

Pros: Intuitive design. Add voice-overs, comments, resources, and quizzes to videos.

Cons: Finding videos can be daunting when search results are swamped with versions of the same video.

Bottom Line: This is a valuable tool that teachers can use to flip classrooms or support student-led creation.

Start by creating a free account on Edpuzzle and check out some of the existing videos to get a sense of how teachers are using it. Edpuzzle's search will suggest high-quality videos from sites such as YouTube, Khan Academy, TED Talks, and Vimeo. There's also the option to choose content from the curriculum library, which is a collection of videos organized by content area. Play around with the features to make sure that your edits stick; some videos can only be shared, not edited. And, of course, remember to preview all video content for appropriateness.

One way to get started with your own content creation is to use Edpuzzle for pre-teaching. Pair videos with texts and extra info to support students preparing for an activity or lesson. Use the voice-over feature to add a few quick checks to read-aloud videos to engage and support struggling readers, introducing vocabulary words along with pronunciation, definition, and synonyms. For math centers, record yourself teaching a concept, and have students stop for practice and submit their answers. Want to flip your classroom? Let students use the tool to create a video lesson, and share some of the best creations for their peers to complete on their own. Then, go into depth in class to expand upon what students learned from remixing their videos.

Edpuzzle is a web-based tool for editing online videos and adding interactive content to target specific learning objectives. Teachers can upload their own videos, add URLs, or search the built-in content library (including YouTube videos and filters for Khan Academy, TED, National Geographic, and more). Videos can be customized with voice-over comments, embedded assessment questions, links, and more. Teachers can share videos with their students, assign due dates, and track their students' scores and progress over time as students watch videos and answer embedded assessments. Students can watch videos solo or via "live mode," where teachers can show a video as a group activity. 

Data from the embedded quizzes appears on the teacher's Edpuzzle's dashboard, and there are straightforward features for exporting and incorporating that data into other grade- and course-management systems. Edpuzzle has built-in LMS integrations with Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology, Moodle, PowerSchool, and more. Teachers can directly import their own videos from Screencastify, Explain Everything, and Google Drive. Teachers can opt to make their videos private, or they can share them so that other teachers using the tool can repurpose them. A frequently updated blog features tips and ideas for using video in the classroom, with parents, and for distance learning.

This is an incredibly handy tool for transforming video content that just about any classroom can make use of. Both teachers and students can customize online videos to prompt viewers to think critically, reflect, and respond. How much those viewers learn will depend, of course, on the original video and the quizzes or comments that you add, but there's enormous potential here for fostering a more learner-centric classroom experience. Creating informative, engaging videos can encourage students to be active viewers who critique what they watch. It's straightforward for teachers to upload their own videos, and there are tons of high-quality videos available (both from channels like Khan Academy and from other teachers) to use as stellar starting points. 

While passively watching online videos may require only lower-level thinking skills, the ability to isolate and encourage interaction with the most important aspects of a video increases the relevance of content and depth of learning, especially if teachers take advantage of the options to add supplemental resources and links. Furthermore, critical thinking skills such as analysis and information seeking can lead students to a transformation of knowledge if teachers let students research, create, and share their own video lessons. 

The main drawback is the volume of available content and the way it's organized. The search experience can be daunting. Many teachers have created and shared their own versions of the same videos, and it can be tough to wade through them all to find what you need. The tool could also use more features for annotating and remixing videos, especially the ability to combine multiple videos. Since this feature isn't yet available, the developers suggest a workaround: sequencing video lessons to create a similar student learning experience.


Learning Rating

Overall Rating

Multiple-choice questions, teacher voice-overs, and embedded links can help make video viewing a more active experience.


Students get immediate feedback in multiple-choice quizzes. Ultimately, in-depth learning hinges on student-created content opportunities.


A well-organized, straightforward help center addresses both student and teacher concerns. The user interface is well designed, but loads of (sometimes redundant) content could distract and overwhelm.

Never use Edpuzzle it's horrible.

The main drawback is the volume of available content and the way it's organized. The search experience can be daunting. Many teachers have created and shared their own versions of the same videos, and it can be tough to wade through them all to find what you need.

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Privacy Rating

Data Safety How safe is this product?

  • Users can interact with trusted users.
  • Users can interact with untrusted users, including strangers and/or adults.
  • Unclear whether profile information must be shared for social interactions.

Data Rights What rights do I have to the data?

  • Users can create or upload content.
  • Users retain ownership of their data.
  • Processes to access or review user data are available.

Ads & Tracking Are there advertisements or tracking?

  • Personal information is not shared for third-party marketing.
  • Traditional or contextual advertisements are displayed.
  • Personalised advertising is not displayed.

Continue reading about this tool's privacy practices, including data collection, sharing, and security.

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