Canva is your go-to resource for any type of web design! Whether it be a presentation, poster, flyer, brochure, or anything else, Canva has the templates and tools for you to give your viewers an eye-catching experience!
Community Review for Canva for Education
My Take
Canva should be encouraged in the classrooms for any sort of web design or project. You can implement your creativity while also having a professional end product. If you ever need to make a presentation, flyer, brochure, ad, letter, or any other digital project, Canva will let you chose from thousands of custom templates. You can even add in your own backgrounds, animations, resizing, fonts, folders, and more! Canva also gives you the opportunity to create a "team", where you can collaborate with other people on your professional graphic designs. This software will save you so much time and you'll be set to display your creative ideas!
How I Use It
I've used Canva for multiple projects, whether it be a presentation, flyer, brochure, or anything else! The website has a multitude of templates you can select to start off with. You can add your own text, stickers, pictures, colors, and more, while making it eye-catching and professional. I've used it for presentations for many classes. It was really nice to find a template that fit the theme of my topic, and I was able to add cool graphics and make the entire thing very unique.